Minggu, 05 Februari 2012


Definition of Invitation :
Invitation tell about how to invite or ask someone to come along or join a particular program or activity . Here are 2 kind of invitation :

Formal invitation :
Formal invitation is usually originate from institute, companies, an a kind of it. Normally formal invitation is written invitation

Informal invitation 
Informal invitation is pursonal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Infotmation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.

How to Invite someone ??
=) I would like you to
=) would like you to ??
=) shall we ...??
=) Let's have dinner together with me tonight .

How to accept an Invitation :

=) All right !
=) I'll come .
=) I would love to .

How to refuse/decline on Invitation ??

=) I'm afraid. I can't .
=) That's very kind of you, but ..
=) I can't for now because I'm very busy ..

For the Example of dialogue about Invitation ??

Mirja : Hi ! I have a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come ?
Mita : That sound be fun !
Mirja : How about you, Gita ?
Mita : Actually, I want to join, but unfortunately I can't..
Mirja : Oh..That's fine.  

For the example abaout invitaion :


Definition of Appointment :
Appointment tells about agreement for meeting. It's good to make an Appointment before you meet someone or people .

Making Appointment is a kind of expression wich is used to conduct promise .

How to make an Appointment ??
=) I'd like to make an appointment with ...(you/name) .
=) I want to an appointment to see ...(kim bum)
=) I'd like to make an appointment to see ...(indah)
=) I'd like you to come and see me .
=) Can I come and see you ??
=) What about ...(friday) .

How to Accepting an Appointment ??

=) All right, see you there !
=) No problem, I'm free on ...(monday)
=) Be there on time .
=) I will wait for you there .
=) It's a deal .

How to Changing an Appointment ?
=) What about ...(sunday 5 p.m)
=) Is that Ok. If we meet at 10 tomorrow morning ??
=) Do you have another time this afternoon ??
=) Could we change the day (time) of the meeting ??
=) Would you mind if we change the day (time) of the meeting ??

How to Cancelling an Appointment ??
=) I'm sorry. I'm very busy .
=) I'm terrible sorry. I have to put off my appointment .
=) I'm afraid I have to postpone my appointment with ...
    (Toni tomorrow morning) .

Example dialogue about Appointment :
Faisal     : Could I come and see you this afternoon ?? 
Faris       : All right ! see you there . 
Faisal     : Could I came to your home this afternoon ?? 
Faris       : I'll wait for you .
Faisal     : What time I could go to your home ?? 
Faris     : Thank's faisal, I'll be there on time .